Campbell River

Wado Karate Club


CHUNKY Sport Nutrition Tip of the Month

Ever wonder which drink is right for you and your needs?  Confused by the numerous options out there? This month's CHUNKY Sport Nutrition Tip helps clarify exactly what's in the bottle by explaining the purpose and proper usage of the available options, from sports drinks to vitaminized water.

What’s in the Bottle? From Sports Drinks to Vitaminized Water

There is an ever-increasing variety of beverages in the store coolers these days. Some are targeting athletes and athlete wannabe’s; others sound like they’re healthy choices. Before you grab the best-tasting, or the one with all the hype, look to see what’s in the bottle and consider what it is you really need.

Are sports drinks just sugary beverages? In fact, there’s more to these drinks than just sugar. The science behind sports drinks technically defines them as carbohydrate electrolyte solutions designed specifically to replace energy (carbohydrates), electrolytes (e.g. sodium, potassium), and fluids lost as a result of physical exercise.

However, selecting a suitable sports drink isn’t always an easy task as the composition of these drinks can vary from product to product, especially their carbohydrate and sodium content. To make this even more confusing, there are a variety of beverages that may be perceived to be sports drinks, but technically are not designed to aid sport performance.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Proper nutrition is essential for overall good health and optimal athletic performance.  The Coaching Association of Canada is pleased to send you this month's sport nutrition tip, brought to you by Campbell’s Chunky! Thank you